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Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance: 5 Regular Tasks to Perform

Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance

Last Updated on September 7, 2023

We rely heavily on our tankless water heaters that provide hot water for various household activities. However, many homeowners are unsure about whether these units require regular maintenance.

Tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity. Servicing your tankless water heater by a professional at least once a year is necessary, especially if you have hard water. Minerals in hard water can build up in the system and reduce efficiency.

During each maintenance visit, a professional technician will thoroughly clean the filter, removing any debris or sediment that may have accumulated over time. They will also flush out the entire system to eliminate mineral deposits and ensure smooth operation.

Let’s explore the topic of tankless water heater maintenance and provide you with all the information you need to know. So let’s discuss.

#Note: It’s always recommended to hire a professional for this task if you don’t have enough knowledge, as they have extensive experience and skills.

What Maintenance Should You Take for Your Tankless Water Heaters?

What Maintenance Should You Take for Your Tankless Water Heaters

Proper maintenance steps for your tankless water heater are crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity. During maintenance, the technician will carry out various tasks, including: 

  • Descaling & regular flushing
  • Cleaning the air filter
  • Cleaning the exterior
  • Inspecting other components
  • Monitor water pressure

1. Descaling and Regular Flushing

Flustering your tankless water heater annually is recommended, but more frequent flushing may be necessary if you have particularly hard water.

Supply hard water contains high levels of minerals that can accumulate over time and hinder the performance of your unit. 

Flushing the system helps remove these mineral deposits and sediment, keeping the heat exchanger clean and ensuring optimal functioning.

2. Cleaning the Air Filter

To ensure optimal airflow and combustion efficiency, regularly clean the air filter in your tankless water heater. The air filter plays a crucial role in removing impurities from the incoming air before it reaches the combustion chamber.

Over time, dirt can accumulate on the filter, obstructing airflow and reducing the heater’s performance.

3. Cleaning the Exterior

Cleaning the outside of your tankless water heater is important to prevent dirt and debris from entering the unit. Over time, dust and other particles can accumulate on the heater’s exterior, affecting its performance and efficiency.

Also, regularly cleaning the exterior of your tankless water heater will help maintain its functionality and prolong its lifespan. It ensures you always have hot water when you need it most.

4. Inspecting Other Components

Inspect various components for any issues when performing maintenance on your tankless water heater. Start by checking the valves, ensuring they function properly and not leaking.

Look out for any corrosion on the heating elements or pipes, which can lead to leaks or reduced efficiency. Remove mineral deposits from the coil if you find them.

Also, check the gas lines on your gas-powered tankless water heater to ensure they are secure and leak-free. Check the thermocouple and clean it with steel wool or sandpaper if there are any debris or stains

5. Monitor Water Pressure

To ensure the longevity of your unit and prevent damage, keep an eye on the water pressure within the recommended range specified by the manufacturer.

Monitoring the water pressure is an essential maintenance task for tankless water heaters. Excessive water pressure can strain the unit and other plumbing components, leading to leaks or system failure.

If the water pressure exceeds the recommended range, address this issue promptly. Installing a pressure regulator can help regulate and maintain appropriate water pressure levels, ensuring optimal performance and preventing potential damage to your tankless water heater system.

Does a tankless water heater need high maintenance?

Tankless water heaters are a relatively low-maintenance option when ensuring your home always has hot water. Unlike traditional storage tank systems that require maintenance due to their size and bulk, tankless heaters are compact and can be easily placed in any area of the home.

Tankless systems do not have a storage tank and no water storage issues. This means no rust or sediment issues will cause a performance decrease in the long run. This type of water heater is generally more efficient and durable than its traditional counterparts and requires less maintenance.

Can I service my tankless water heater on my own?

If you have enough knowledge and the proper instruments, you can service your own tankless water heater. It is recommended that you hire a mechanic unless you are familiar with the process.

Professional cleaning and maintenance from a certified technician is generally the best option to ensure your tankless water heater remains in good working order. They will know how to check for signs of limescale buildup or other issues and can provide the necessary solutions.

What happens if you don’t flush your tankless water heater?

If you neglect to flush your tankless water heater can lead to serious issues that could compromise its efficiency. Hard water stains naturally accumulate inside the unit over time, which could cause a clog and impede water flow through the heating element.

Consequently, your hot water supply may fluctuate or may need to heat up properly. Worse yet, without regular flushing, the minerals can build up to the point where they damage the internal components of your unit. This, in turn, could lead to costly repairs or a complete replacement.

How often should I service my tankless water heater?

How often should I service my tankless water heater

Like traditional storage tank systems, tankless water heaters require regular maintenance and cleaning. Experts recommend homeowners flush the unit once yearly to ensure it remains in good working condition.

Minerals like magnesium and calcium tend to build up on the water heater’s heat exchanger. As they become thick, they create a poor and inefficient heating facility.

Are tankless water heaters expensive to maintain?

While the initial investment for a tankless water heater may be higher than a traditional unit, the long-term savings from lower energy bills and repair costs make them worthwhile. Maintenance costs vary based on the extent of services provided and the frequency of tune-ups.

On average, a professional maintenance service typically costs around $600. For optimal performance, you must invest in a quality tankless water heater and follow the maintenance guidelines.

Ensure Optimal Performance and Efficiency: Expert Maintenance for Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters need regular maintenance to function effectively and efficiently. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to various problems, including decreased efficiency, higher power consumption, and even a complete system breakdown.

So, if you’re unsure whether your unit needs maintenance or how often, consult a professional technician who can guide you.

Regular maintenance will not only increase the lifespan of your water heater but also save you money on energy bills and prevent any potential breakdowns. So schedule your maintenance today and enjoy uninterrupted hot water.

Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance: 5 Regular Tasks to Perform

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