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How to Get Rid of White Worms in Bathroom: 8 Proven Methods

How to Get Rid of White Worms in Bathroom

Last Updated on November 14, 2023

Bathroom infestations of small white worms pose a perplexing and unsettling problem for you. These pests, often called “drain worms,” are commonly found in drains and can multiply rapidly if left unchecked. And getting rid of white worms in a bathroom requires some basic knowledge and a few proven methods.

You can use hot water to flush them out of the drains. Another option is to use bio-enzymatic cleaners, which can break down organic matter and eliminate the worms. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can effectively kill and remove the worms.

Dealing with drain worms requires effective methods for elimination and a focus on prevention to ensure they don’t return.

This article will equip you with the knowledge you need to rid yourself of these pesky creatures. Discover effective methods and preventative measures to maintain a worm-free bathroom environment.

8 Methods on How to Get Rid of White Worms in Bathroom

8 Methods on How to Get Rid of White Worms in Bathroom

While you’re dealing with white worms in your bathroom, there are several methods you can try to get rid of them.

  • Hot water
  • Bio-enzymatic cleaners
  • Baking soda and vinegar
  • Pipe brushing
  • Plumbing snake
  • Bleach
  • Plunger
  • Mineral oil

Let’s look at these methods in more detail to eliminate white worms in the bathroom.

No 01: Hot Water

Pour a pot of hot water down your bathroom drain to effectively eliminate white worms and their eggs. Boiling the water will help to kill the worms and flush them out of the drain.

The heat from the hot water won’t only kill the adult worms but also destroy their eggs, preventing them from hatching and causing further infestation.

No 02: Bio-Enzymatic Cleaners

Use a regular bio-enzymatic cleaner to eliminate white worms and prevent further infestation in your bathroom drains. These cleaners contain beneficial bacteria that target and break down the organic matter that serves as food for drain worms.

Simply apply the cleaner to the affected drains and let the beneficial bacteria work their magic. The enzymes in the cleaner will break down the organic material, leaving your drains free from any food sources for the worms.

No 03: Baking Soda and Vinegar

You can try mixing baking soda and vinegar to eliminate white worms in your bathroom drains. This safe and natural method makes it an ideal solution for those who prefer non-toxic alternatives.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start by pouring about half a cup of baking soda down the drain.
  2. Add vinegar to it afterward.
  3. Let the mixture sit for approximately 15 minutes to allow it to break down the organic material.
  4. Afterward, flush the drain with hot water to remove any remaining debris.

No 04: Pipe Brushing

Scrub the inside of your pipes with a pipe brush, and use the appropriate size for your drain pipes. If you suspect that drain worms have infested deeper within your plumbing system, using a pipe brush can help eliminate them.

Insert the brush into the drain and scrub the pipes inside to remove any worms and their breeding grounds physically. The brush’s bristles will dislodge the worms and clean the pipe walls, preventing further infestation. Be thorough in your scrubbing, focusing on any areas where worms are likely to hide, such as bends or joints.

No 05: Plumbing Snake

Start by inserting the snake into the drain and turning it clockwise. This twisting motion will help break up the blockages and allow the snake to grab onto the worms.

Slowly pull the snake out of the drain, ensuring that any trapped worms are removed along with it. Repeat the process if necessary until the drain is clear of any remaining worms.

Remember to clean and sanitize the snake properly after each use to prevent the spread of biofilm microcosms and other contaminants.

No 06: Bleach

Mix approximately one part bleach with ten parts water to disinfect and eliminate these pests. This diluted solution should be poured directly into the drain where the worms are present.

Allow the solution to sit for a while, ensuring contact with the worms and larvae, before rinsing it out with hot water. Ensure proper ventilation in the area to prevent any potential respiratory issues.

No 07: Plunger

To begin, make sure to seal the overflow opening if your sink or bathtub has one. This will help create a better seal and increase the effectiveness of the plunge. 

Place the plunger over the drain and push it down firmly, creating a tight seal. Then, rapidly pull up and down to create suction and pressure. This action will help dislodge the worms and clear the drain. Repeat this process several times if necessary.

Afterward, run hot water down the drain to eliminate any remaining worms or debris. After using the plunger, make sure you clean and sanitize it.

No 08: Mineral Oil

You can effectively eliminate white worms in your bathroom by pouring mineral oil down the drain, coating and blocking the breathing tubes. This method is highly effective in suffocating and eliminating drain worms.

The mineral oil creates a barrier that prevents the worms from accessing oxygen, leading to their demise.

How to Prevent White Worms in a Bathroom?

To prevent the spread of white worms in your bathroom, here are some measures you can take to implement.

Method 01: Regular Drain Maintenance

Start by regularly cleaning and unclogging your bathroom drain to prevent the buildup of organic matter that can attract white worms. To effectively maintain your drain, utilize a combination of methods.

  • Pour boiling water down the drain to dissolve any grease or oil that may accumulate.
  • Employ bio-enzymatic cleaners to break down the organic matter and prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for white worms.
  • Physically remove debris using a plumbing snake or pipe brush to ensure a thorough cleaning.

Method 02: Proper Waste Disposal

Make sure you dispose of bathroom waste properly to prevent white worms in your bathroom. When hair and soap residue aren’t disposed of correctly, they can accumulate in drains, creating a favorable environment for these worms to thrive.

To avoid this, use drain strainers or screens to catch debris before it enters the drains. Make sure to clean these strainers regularly to prevent blockages.

Also, consider using enzyme-based drain cleaners to break down any organic matter that may have accumulated in the pipes.

Method 03: Moisture Control

Keep the bathroom well-ventilated by using exhaust fans or opening windows to reduce humidity, discouraging the growth of white worms. Drain worms thrive in damp environments, so controlling moisture levels in your bathroom is crucial. Fix any leaks promptly, whether from faucets, pipes, or showerheads.

Method 04: Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are essential to preventing and addressing white worm infestations in your bathroom. By examining your drains, you can catch any early signs of worm activity and take appropriate action.

Look for small white worms in or around the drains and dark organic buildup. If you notice any issues, addressing them promptly with thorough cleaning and preventive measures is crucial.

Are bathroom worms harmful?

Are bathroom worms harmful

Getting rid of the bathroom worms should be your top priority to ensure a clean and hygienic environment. While these white worms may not harm humans directly, their presence indicates a drain fly infestation, which can be a sign of an unhygienic bathroom.

What are bathroom worms called?

You might occasionally find bathroom worms or drain flies in your toilet or drains. These tiny insects, typically measuring around 1/8 inch in length, are commonly mistaken for worms due to their slender bodies and wriggling movements.

But drain flies are a type of fly that lay their eggs in moist environments, such as drains and pipes. The larvae, which resemble small white worms, feed on organic matter and bacteria found in the drains.

Keep Your Bathroom White Worm-Free

Now, you have successfully learned effective methods to eliminate those pesky white worms in your bathroom.

You can prevent worms from entering your environment for a long time by taking the preventative measures described above. Keep in mind that these bathroom worms, also known as drain fly larvae, aren’t harmful to humans.

Now that you possess this knowledge, you can confidently tackle any future encounters with these unwelcome guests. So go forth and enjoy a clean and bug-free bathroom.

How to Get Rid of White Worms in Bathroom: 8 Proven Methods

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